Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cycles of Insanity


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bipolar Disorder and Noncompliance

 Many Non-Treated Bipolar Disorder Patients
One of the most serious side effects of untreated bipolar disorder is the bipolar violence associated with it. This is most of the time because of noncompliance with a treatment plan. When you stop taking your medicine you can be a danger to yourself and others.

Studies show that a large percent of people do not take medications as prescribed. With psychiatric medicines the percentage is higher. For bipolar disease, a lot of bipolar patients will stop medication in the first year of treatment; usually because they will experiment with their dosage or go off their medication altogether because they enjoy their highs.

Some do not believe they have an illness. The side effects are the most common reason given for people who stop taking their medicine. Side effects can be controlled and be kept to a minimum. Sedation people do not want to feel like they are in a fog but in most cases the feelings if the occur are reduced in a couple of weeks.  Gaining Weight not all medicines cause weight gain, but people sometimes the consequences of being left untreated are worse. The weight gain can be watched and if need be.  People believe they have no need for medication because they can handle the issue on their own without medicine. People think they will perform better without taking their prescribed medicines; they believe they are more creative without medication; some people believe they get more done without their medication.

Bipolar Violence can be the result of untreated bipolar disorder. Not to taking medication in the early stages of treatment  is fairly common; the usual reason to seeking a doctor is for depression when it lifts some people stop the medication because hey feel better. The statistics of people who stop taking their medication are shown in the suicide rates the result is significant.

If you are having problems with your medication, discuss these it with your doctor. There are many options and many different medications that are used.  Combinations of medications or therapy in addition to medication can prove to be effective. It is a lo0ng road to recovery and since it is a lifelong disorder adherence to treatment is imperative.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Schizophrenia an Overview

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects the way a person acts, thinks, and sees the world. In schizophrenia there is an altered perception of reality, often a significant loss of contact with reality. They may see or hear things that don’t exist, speak in strange or confusing ways, and believe that others are trying to harm them. The line between the real and the unreal makes it difficult and frightening. The activities of daily life become unbearable. As a way of coping with the symptoms people with schizophrenia may withdraw from the outside world or respond with confusion and fear.

Most cases of schizophrenia appear in the late teens or early adulthood. It can affect young children and adolescents. The earlier onset of schizophrenia, the more severe it is. Schizophrenia also seems to be more severe in men than in women.

Schizophrenia, for some people, appears suddenly and without warning. But for the majority it comes on slowly, with slight warning signs and a slow decline in functioning they seem eccentric, unmotivated, unemotional, and reclusive before the disorder becomes serious. They isolate themselves, neglect their appearance, say peculiar things, and show an indifference to their environment.

Fragmented thinking is feature of schizophrenia. It can be observed in the way a person speaks. People with schizophrenia have trouble concentrating and retain thoughts related to the conversation. They may respond with an answer with a completely unrelated answer, begin sentences with one topic and end at a point completely different, they speak incoherently, or say illogical things.

Although schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, there is medical help. With support, medication, and therapy, many people with schizophrenia are able to function independently and live satisfying lives. However, the outlook is best when schizophrenia is treated early at the first signs of the disorder.

Treatment options for schizophrenia are effective in most cases, and the prognosis for the disorder therapy, many people with schizophrenia are able to control their symptoms, gain more independence, and lead fulfilling lives

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From the Reality of Unreality

More information about mental illnesses such as this site can be found at they are bywena also with many new topics of interest

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Female Suicide in Mythology

Classical Mythology usually is associated with the Greeks and Romans yet many mythological characters are from other cultures as well. Trojan mythology also forms a part of classical mythology. The range of mythology is a timeline from prehistory to the Byzantine. Myths are stories and problems and their solutions are exaggerated.
The subject matter of myths are issues in real life like murder, cannibalism, matricide, patricide, fratricide, infanticide, rape and suicide.

Suicide in women in Classical Mythology asks the questions that are even now misunderstood. Why is death preferable to life? When is suicide acceptable or necessary?
Some causes of suicide are grief, shame, madness, self-sacrifice, fear and frustration. 
Grief is a response of agonizing and sorrowful distress to a death or loss. Grief is a reaction to one's feelings of loss of control over life situations with loss of hope for the future. The view of the world and reality becomes distorted, and death seems the only answer to life’s disasters.

In ancient society a female’s role was primarily in the control of a male. Before marriage, the control was held by her father, but with marriage she was physically, economically and psychologically transferred to her husband, consequently owned by her mate. The physical dependence on males was so embedded in society that the female personality and social function was only complete in its relationship to the male. With the loss of the male authority, females could no longer perceive a role in society, and so suicide may occur.

Without their husbands a widow’s status was typically destitute or lacking. These ideas of being made empty or lacking means that marriage allows a woman to fulfill herself and with the loss of the male,  she becomes half; since marriage has made two of one, a widow is a woman that is not whole. The second most common grief for women is the loss of their child. The experience of childbirth combined with the social role of motherhood is more devastating in females than males; the number of mothers who commit suicide upon the death of their sons shows the profundity of grief to which they succumb. The mythological stories of mothers who commit suicide at the loss of children deal mostly with the loss of famous sons.

When celebrated women are abandoned by their lovers not only are in essence widowed, but they may also have to face the censure of their societies.  The women's betrayal of home or country and the shame that results combines with the grief felt by abandonment.

A sense of shame was a powerful motivation in the ancient world It is also associated with people who have strong feelings. Traditionally women are considered to put more worth in feelings more than thinking, in the ancient world shame far overshadows guilt in suicide in both male and females.

The mythological instances of females committing suicide either to avoid rape or, if unable to avoid rape, to display the resultant repugnance and shame.
When the rapist is a relative, sexually abusive incest, the victim is not merely suffers from the violation against her virtue of chastity, but also feels the effect of an offence against the reverence with which relatives should be regarded.  Suicide seems to point to from a female perspective there is a sense of self-worth that motivates one to choose honorable death over living in shame.

Sometimes instead of unrequited love leads to suicide the actions of the females lead s to a profound sense of shame that in turn prompts their self-destruction.
The usual link between mental illness and suicide for mythological characters; it is rarely is attributed to madness in mythology.

Throughout Greek mythology the idea of placing patriotic concerns over personal concerns to the point of self sacrifice for the benefit of the community. The noble suicide of these individuals to sacrifice her self for a greater good had an inclination to self-reliance and a severe devotion to social demands. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cannibalism a History

Cannibalism in the past was common among humans in many parts of the world, it continued into the 19th century in some remote South Pacific cultures, and presently in parts of tropical Africa. In a few cases local flesh-markets existed. Fiji once known as the Cannibal Isles has been documented as being cannibals. Cannibalism was found in Fiji, the Amazon Basin, the Congo and New Zealand. The Neanderthals are believed to have practiced cannibalism.

Cannibalism has been both carried out in several wars, commonly in Liberia and Congo. Today, very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh as a cultural practice. It is also practiced as a ritual and in war in Melanesian tribes. People who eat human flesh are usually charged with crimes such as murder or desecration of a body.

Cannibalism has been frequently practiced as a last resort by people suffering from famine. Occasionally it has occurred in modern times. A famous example is the crash of an Air Force Flight crash after which some survivors ate the bodies of dead passengers. Also, some mentally ill individuals obsess about eating human body parts.

The theme of cannibalism has been featured in religion, mythology, fairy stories and in works of art. Cannibalism features is most often attributed to evil characters or as extreme revenge for some wrong.  Greek mythology involves cannibalism, especially of family members, Cronos or Saturn in the Roman mythology devoured his sons. The story of Tantalus also illustrates this. These mythologies inspired Shakespeare's works. 

Many instances of cannibalism by necessity were recorded during World War II.  Reports of cannibalism began to appear in the winter of 1941–1942, after all birds, rats and pets were eaten by survivors.  With the Soviet victory was found that some German soldiers in the besieged city, cut off from supplies, resorted to cannibalism.

German soldiers were taken prisoner of war. Most of them were sent to POW camps where being underfed by their captors, many had no other alternative resorted to cannibalism.
In some cases the flesh was cut from living people.
It is recorded that Japanese soldiers killed and consumed American pilots. Cannibalism in World War II of Allied prisoners by their Japanese captors included ritual cannibalization of the livers of freshly killed prisoners.

Cannibalism whether out of necessity or as a cultural ritual was and frequently found in all ages of the world.  The speculation of why does not make this practice humane or acceptable to society.  Cannibalism is now considered repulsive to most but exists even to the present time.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mental Illness Through the Ages

In ancient Greek scholars were of the opinion that mental diseases were caused by an imbalance in four humors of the body. The three humors which influenced mental disorders termed melancholia, mania and an acute mental disorder accompanied by fever. This was contrary to the supernatural or divine explanations of illness. The belief that disease was the product of environmental factors, diet and living habits, not as a punishment inflicted by the gods, and that the  treatment depended on which bodily fluid, or humor, had caused the problem. Around 427-347 BC the belief that there were two types of mental illness: divinely inspired mental illness that gave the person prophetic powers and a type that was caused by a physical disease. By 384 BC, the divinely caused mental illness theory was abandoned and the proposal that instead all mental illness was caused by physical problems.
In ancient Greece and Rome, madness was associated the stereotype of pointless wandering and violence.

The Romans absorbed many Greek ideas on medicine, as well as other cultures, through the conquering of nations. The humor theory was discarded and scholars advocated humane treatments, and had insane persons freed from confinement and treated them with natural 
therapy, such as diet and massages. 

Playwrights described madmen as being driven insane by the Gods, imbalanced humors or circumstances. Mania was often used as a term for insanity; there were a variable range of terms for delusion, eccentricity, frenzy, and lunacy. Some physicians argued that insanity is really present when a continuous dementia begins with imaginings. They suggested that people must heal their own souls through philosophy and personal strength. Common practices were bloodletting, drugs, talking therapy, incubation in temples, exorcism, incantations and amulets, as well as restraints and torture to restore rationality; starvation, being terrified suddenly, agitation of the spirit, and stoning and beating. Most, of the mentally ill did not receive medical treatment but stayed with family or wandered the street. The usual symptoms of delusions of the time included people who thought them to be famous actors or speakers, animals, inanimate objects, or one of the gods.

By the middle Ages, Persian and Arabic scholars were involved in translating, analyzing and Greek texts and beliefs. With the expansion of the Muslim world, these ideas were joined together with religious thought. New ideas and concepts were developed over time. Arab texts contained whole discussions of melancholia. Mania and other disorders including hallucinations and delusions were also described. Mental disorder was thought to be caused by reason gone being lost, and diseases of the as well as to spiritual or mystical meaning. Fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness and depression, and obsessions were recorded.
Under Islam, the mentally disordered were considered incapable but deserved humane treatment and protection.  The first psychiatric hospital ward was created in Baghdad in and insane asylums were built in Fes, Cairo in and in Damascus around 1270. Insane patients were compassionately treated using baths, drugs, music and activities. For centuries to come, translations of many scientific Islamic texts, Canon of Medicine became the standard of medical science in Europe together with works of Hippocrates.

 European Christianity in the middle Ages in Europe the basis of mental illness were a mixture of the divine diabolical magical and transcendental. The four humors black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood were employed, some physicians promoted trepanning as a cure to let demons and excess humors escape. Other remedies in general use included bloodletting and whipping. Madness was often seen as a moral issue, either a punishment for sin or attest of faith. Christian theology supported various therapies, fasting and prayer for those who turned away from God and exorcism of those possessed by the devil. Mental disorders were thought to be due to sin although the belief those other factors could be taken in consideration.  Mass dancing mania is reported from the middle Ages. This was one kind of mass delusion or mass hysteria that has occurred around the world through the millennia.

The care of lunatics was the responsibility of the family. In England, if the family were unable or not willing to take custody , representatives of the courts with a local jury and all interested persons, with the individual.  Those considered lunatics had the support and involvement from the community more often than those who have a mental illness today. Visions were interpreted as meaningful spiritual and prophetic insights.

 During the 16th to 18th centuries some mentally disturbed people may have been victims of the witch-hunts that spread in early modern Europe, but those judged insane were admitted to workhouses, poorhouses and jails especially the paupers, some went to the new private madhouses. Restraints and confinement were used for those thought dangerous or harmful to themselves, others or property.

Madness was commonly depicted in literary works, such as the plays of Shakespeare
By the end of the 17th century and into the Enlightenment, madness was increasingly seen as an organic physical occurrence, not involving the soul or moral responsibility. The mentally ill were viewed as wild animals. Restraint in chains was seen as helping contain the animal furies. Treatment in the few public asylums was harsh, inferior only to prisons. The most well known is Bedlam where at one time spectators could pay to watch the inmates as entertainment. Towards the end of the 18th century, a moral treatment movement developed, that implemented more humane, psychosocial and personalized methods.

The 19th century, with industrialization and population growth, saw an expansion of the number and size of insane asylums.  However, very little therapeutic activity occurred in the new asylum system, the little more there was seldom medical attention to patients, except for other physical problems.

Reports of many mental disorders and irrational uncontrolled behavior are common in historical records back to ancient times, some disorders; they were relatively rare prior to the 19th century.
By the 1870s in North America, officials who ran Lunatic Asylums renamed them Insane Asylums.

The 20th century brought about psychoanalysis.
Asylum administers attempted to improve the image of the asylums. Asylum inmates were referred to as patients and asylums renamed as hospitals. Referring to people as having a mental illness began during this period of the early 20th century.
In Nazi Germany, the institutionalized mentally ill were the earliest victims of sterilization it has been estimated that over 200,000 individuals with mental disorders of all kinds were put to death.
Funding was often cut for asylums, during periods of economic decline, and wartime and many patients starved to death. 

Previously restricted to the treatment of severely disturbed people in asylums, psychiatrists cultivated clients with a broader range of problems, and between 1917 and 1970 the number practicing outside institutions swelled from 8 percent to 66 percent. The term stress was become popular and was linked to mental disorders.
Lobotomies, insulin shock therapy, electro convulsive therapy became commonly used in the mid-century.

In the 1960s deinstitutionalization gradually occurred, with isolated psychiatric hospitals being closed down with the advanced opening of community mental health service.
With the medical advances and newer more effective medications there is still little improvement in the stigma and shame of having a mental disorder. The closure of many of the state hospitals have brought a about the problem that has had little impact on the people with mental disorders.  Instead of learning from the past it seems that there is a revolving door of returning to the past.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Motivation and Mental Health

Motivation is tied to mental health; depression which is a chronic mental and  often with physical symptoms has a debilitating lack of motivation. But a mental imbalance can cause excessive motivation, as in bipolar disorder during a manic episode. The relationship of motivation and mental health occurs in many different ways. Motivation can be severely lacking with depression. The symptoms of depression stifle motivation, and the stronger these symptoms are, the lower your motivation is to accomplish goals.
Depression is best treated with medication. Depression, due to past failures or traumas, can be better helped with therapy that focus on increasing coping skills. As your motivation increases, there is a decrease in the symptoms of depression.
Bipolar disorder is another disorder where  motivation and mental health is affected. People with bipolar disorder experience alternating periods of depression and mania.
During depressive periods, the person experiences most of the symptoms of major chronic depression, low motivation included. Manic episodes cause people to experience a degree of motivation that is the extreme opposite of depression. Both mania and depression treated with medication and if needed therapy can balance the motivation.
With Bipolar I Disorder motivation will help with staying with your treatment plan and assist you with your medication regime. To keep motivated, record your progress and how you are feeling each day. This way you will be able to see how you are improving. A daily journal is a good way to keep track of your progress.
Staying motivated to take your medicine may help when you wonder if the medicine is really helping you. Progress in your treatment plan may be slow at first. You may find that you have days when you're making good progress, and other days when your therapy seems to be at a stand still. With  Bipolar I Disorder getting it under control sometimes is trial and error.
Treatment is the important thing and not losing  confidence in your treatment plan, even if you do not seem to be making progress for a few days, sticking with your treatment plan is imperative to finding the right combination of medication any concerns should be discussed with your doctor.
There is hope for a recovery for mental illnesses, although the work and commitment that is involved may seem at times impossible.  Making mental wellness is a goal that is worth striving for.  Diligent adherence to proposals by your doctor and medication is vital to healing and keeping mental  well being.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bipolar Disorder and Medication

If you have bipolar disorder, medication will be prescribed. Medication can bring mania and depression under control and prevent relapse once your mood has stabilized. Medication used long term may not be pleasing as an easy way of life, especially if you’re struggling with unpleasant side effects. But just as a diabetic needs to take insulin in order to stay healthy, taking medication for bipolar disorder will help you maintain a stable mood.
If you have bipolar disorder, taking medication to reduce the frequency and severity of mood episodes is the goal of treatment.
If side effects are severe, your doctor may switch the drug or change the dose. You should always check for drug interactions before taking another prescription medication, over-the-counter drug, or herbal supplement. Drug interactions can cause unexpected side effects or make your medication less effective or even dangerous. Mixing certain foods and beverages with your medication can also cause problems. Learn about potential interactions by discussing them with your doctor or talking to your pharmacist.
Medication works best when making healthy choices. A pill can not work properly with abuse of a healthy way of living. Reduce or discontinue alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and makes recovery even more difficult. It can also interfere with the way your medication works.
Lithium: Mood stabilizers are medications that help control the highs and lows of bipolar disorder. They are the cornerstone of treatment, both for mania and depression. Lithium is the oldest and most well-known mood stabilizer. It is highly effective for treating mania.
Lithium can also help bipolar depression. But, it is not as effective for mixed episodes or rapid cycling forms of bipolar disorder. Lithium takes from one to two weeks to reach its full effect.
 The side effects that is common on lithium. Some may go away as your body adapts to the medication. Weight gain ; drowsiness ; tremor; weakness or fatigue ; excessive thirst; increased urination; stomach pain; thyroid problems; memory and concentration problems; nausea, vertigo; diarrhea
Anticonvulsants are used in the treatment of bipolar disorder as mood stabilizers. Originally developed for the treatment of epilepsy, they have been shown to relieve the symptoms of mania and reduce mood swings.
Valproic acid is a highly-effective mood stabilizer. Common brand names include Depakote . Valproic acid is often the first choice for rapid cycling, mixed mania, mania with hallucinations or delusions. It is a good bipolar medication option if you can’t tolerate the side effects of lithium.
Common side effects include: drowsiness; weight gain; dizziness; tremor; diarrhea.
Other anticonvulsants that can be used as mood stabilizers include:  Tegretol; Lamicta; andl Topamax

Be wary of natural mood stabilizers they may cause paradoxical reactions.  But used with caution can help to stabilize your mood until the medication becomes more effective. There are many things you can do to stabilize your mood. The way you live your life is just as important, than the medication you take. Making healthy choices for yourself can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Although antidepressants have been the drug of choice for episodes of bipolar depression, their use is becoming more and more questionable. Antidepressants should be used with caution. Antidepressants can trigger mania in people with bipolar disorder. If antidepressants are used at all, they should be combined with a mood stabilizer such as lithium or valproic acid. Taking an antidepressant without a mood stabilizer is likely to trigger a manic episode.
Antidepressants can increase mood cycling. Over time, antidepressant use in people with bipolar disorder can induce mania, and can increase the frequency of manic and depressive episodes.
 If you can stop your mood cycling, you might stop having depressive episodes entirely. If you are able to stop the mood cycling, but symptoms of depression remain, medications may help
If you lose touch with reality during a manic or depressive episode, an antipsychotic drug may be prescribed. They have also help with regular manic episodes. Antipsychotic medications may be helpful combined with a mood stabilizer such as lithium or valproic acid.
Common side effects of antipsychotic medications for bipolar disorder Drowsiness Weight gain Dry mouth which can lead to tooth decay Constipation Blurred vision
Other medications for bipolar disorder are Benzodiazepine. Mood stabilizers can take up to several weeks to reach the effective dosage.  Other med, benzodiazepines should only be used until your mood stabilizer or antidepressant begins to work. Those with a history of substance abuse should be especially cautious medications which are used for bipolar disorder are Benzodiazepine to relieve symptoms of anxiety, agitation, or insomnia. Benzodiazepines are fast-acting sedatives. Because of they are highly addictive.

Bipolar Misdiagnosis

 Over diagnosis of people as having bipolar disorder is of a major concern; the side effects of the medication antipsychotics included are so devastating if prescribed incorrectly. And the under diagnosis of bipolar disorder leaves many people at a risk of not being treated or not having symptoms noticed before a disaster such as suicide is treated.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Delusions and Hallucinations

Hallucinations are false or distorted sensory experiences or perceptions. These sensory impressions are created by the mind rather than by any external factors, and may be seen, heard, felt, and smelled or tasted.
A hallucination occurs when environmental, emotional, or physical factors such as stress, medication, extreme fatigue, or mental illness cause the brain that helps to distinguish conscious perceptions from internal perceptions. Hallucinations occur during periods of consciousness.
A delusion is a false belief based on incorrect assumption about external reality. This belief is sustained despite what almost everybody else believes. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of society.
Delusions are a common symptom of several mood and personality mental illnesses, including schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder. They are also the major feature of delusional disorder. Individuals with delusional disorder suffer from long term delusions and include persecutory, grandiose, jealousy. In extreme cases disease sufferers with bipolar disorder and other disorders are in a state of psychosis. The person has strange thoughts, such as delusions and hallucinations. They lose the sense of their immediate environment and are not able to distinguish the difference between reality and hallucinations.
Ideas of reference and delusions of reference involve people having a belief or perception that are irrelevant, unrelated occurrences in the world refer to them directly or have special personal significance.
In psychiatry the states are considered in the psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or bipolar disorder during the elevated stages of mania.  It can also be a characteristic of paranoid personality disorder. These symptoms can also be caused by intoxication, especially with hallucinogens or stimulants.
In true paranoia the person exhibits an unreasonable or exaggerated mistrust and suspicion of others. This suspicion is not based on fact and often become delusions. Paranoia is a symptom that can be part of several disorders, including delusional disorder, paranoid personality disorder, psychotic and mood disorders including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, as well as other illnesses for example substance abuse.
While delusions and hallucinations are a part of these disorders it is not as commonly seen but do play a role in diagnosing the disorder.  In some cases they are overlooked and can only be found in the offices of doctors.  When they interrupt the person’s life and normal activity the hallucinations and delusions need to be treated. Antipsychotic medications are effective. The recovery rate is excellent with compliance to the treatment plan. 

Psychosis and Auditory Hallucinations

Explaining what it feels like to hear voices is not easy especially if you have never had the experience. Some people, who have hearing voices is a common experience lasting for days or months and in some cases long term. Auditory hallucinations may vary and each experience with hearing the voices can be different.
Hearing the voices is often heard as though they were generated from outside of the ears but can be as if they are thoughts in their head or an internal thought.  Many believe it telepathy.  What is called inspirational ideas do not encompass the concept of hearing voices.  Hearing voices is a sign of a medical or mental disturbance.
 Certain description of hallucinations are as a thought that appears as words in the person’s mind. The voice could talk coherently to the person or engage in conversation. The person is not in control of what the voice says. There are many different types of hallucinations including: visions, images, tastes, smells, and touch. Hearing voices can be a different way for other people.
Some would even hear the voices inside or outside their heads or even from their bodies. They could her just one voice or hear many of them. They hear the voice as something that talks to you or talks about you.
Hearing voices is like a dream or nightmare except that it does happen in real life. The voices are present all day for some people and can disrupt their normal routines every day. Some of the voices tend to be abusive and commands the person to do various acts as is common with schizophrenia.
To hear voices is a disturbing experience. Hearing voices are considered as an auditory hallucination in psychiatry and as symptoms for schizophrenic disorders, bipolar disorder and psychosis. Medication such as, antipsychotics are used to control the hallucinations.
Not everyone responds to this treatment however, it is extremely rare that the hallucinations can   not be controlled
Studies have found out that some people who hear voices are able to cope well without any psychiatric intervention. It was also found out that the people who hear voices who can regard them as a positive part of their life and not as negative aspects of their lives.
 Throughout history there are those who have said that the voices that they hear are comforting and inspirational. Despite that it is still considered as a sign of a psychosis or other mental aberration.
For some coping with voices can be a relationship with the voices: even if they experienced them as abusive, guiding or inspirational.
By some professionals hearing voices can be thought of a something real, meaningful, at times painful, overwhelming and fearful.
Hallucinations can make the person see, hear or feel things that are not really there. The experiences are not real but for the person experiencing it, the visions and all the other sensations that feels is real. There is a break from reality.
This condition is diagnosed with other disorders, in dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuse and some personality disorders. Many famous people all throughout history are reported to have experienced hallucinations at some degree. It can also be triggered when someone loses a loved one or if they have had a traumatic childhood experience. The symptoms of hallucinations on these conditions can be temporary.

Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis

Bipolar disorder is an illness that affects a person’s ability to control their mood. The two main mood swings are mania and depression.  Bipolar psychosis is very complex and a part of Bipolar I disorder. Psychosis is commonly found to be in to bipolar disorder, in mania and depressive episodes and it can be seen in Bipolar II depression.
Statistics show that approximately 70% of people in a full blown manic episode experience psychosis. Howerever, people with Bipolar II hypomania rarely experience psychosis. Though studies vary, it is estimated that 50% of people with bipolar depression experience psychosis.

Bipolar psychosis is when there is a state of where the person is out of touch with reality, loss of reasoning at this point the treatment is difficult as the person often resists any treatment.
Bipolar psychosis can be very disruptive and cause significant work and relationship problems due to misperceptions and hallucinations.
People with bipolar disorder may have many different symptoms, including depression, joy, and psychotic symptoms like delusions or paranoia. These are all symptoms of one condition not separate conditions that a person has to deal with.
Bipolar disorder makes the mind swing between different thoughts and emotions, But when treated the psychosis can be managed.
Psychotic symptoms occur most often during manic episodes. But people can also experience psychotic symptoms during episodes of depression..
Patients sometimes have to be hospitalized if they have psychotic symptom. They may have grandiose delusions they have powers.  It may be that they have a special connection with the universe. People can be so depressed that they can be psychotic depression. It happens frequently with mania can occur in depression. People may be a danger to themselves
Antipsychotics and mood stabilizers will stop the psychosis and keep it from coming back. While  medication is effective in managing psychotic symptoms and bipolar disorder. therapy is often recommended to help to understand the psychotic symptoms and to recover from the psychotic experience . Regular follow-ups with a doctor are important for managing psychotic symptoms and bipolar disorder itself, so that any recurring episodes can be spotted and stopped quickly.
Bipolar disorder is an illness that requires a long term commitment to staying well, compliance to treatment, and monitoring.   Just taking a pill does not make it just go away. While symptoms can be managed, but it is important to keep aware of them to see symptoms start up again.
Bipolar disorder isn't something that can or should be managed alone. The individual with bipolar disorder needs help to be monitored, and to watch for symptoms that he might not be able to notice. Family can help in monitoring symptoms, and letting the doctor know of any changes or signs of an impending episode. The earlier signs are caught, the better the opportunity to prevent an episode and keep symptoms under control.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Major Affective Disorders

Affective disorders are psychiatric illnesses.  Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorders, and anxiety disorders are the most common affective disorders. The effects of these disorder are   difficulties in interpersonal relationships and the risk for substance abuse are major concerns. Affective disorders can result in symptoms ranging from the mild and inconvenient to the severe and life-threatening.
Major depressive disorder, also known as unipolar depression disorder, is a common, severe, and sometimes life-threatening psychiatric illness. It causes prolonged periods of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion, with a considerable risk of self-destructive behavior and suicide. Major studies have identified Major depressive disorder is one of the leading causes of  disability and premature death.
Bipolar affective disorders are  various types and exhibit different symptoms bipolar I and bipolar  II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and hypomania disorder. Other names for bipolar affective disease include manic-depressive disorder, cyclothymia, manic-depressive illness and bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder experience periods of manic episodes alternating with periods of deep depression. Bipolar disorders are chronic and recurrent affective diseases that may have degrees of severity, that worsen with time if not treated. Severe crises can lead to suicidal attempts during depressive episodes  or to physical violence against oneself or others during manic episodes. In many patients, however, episodes are mild and infrequent. Mixed states may also occur with elements of mania and depression simultaneously present. Some people with bipolar disorders show a rapid cycling between manic and depressive states.
The symptoms of affective disorders or mood disorders is shown in children and adolescents, as well as adults. However, children and adolescents do not necessarily experience or exhibit the same symptoms as adults. It is more difficult to diagnose mood disorders in children, especially because children are not always able to express how they feel. At any age, mood disorders put individuals at risk for other conditions at any age these symptoms may persist long after the initial episodes of depression are resolved.
What causes mood disorders is not well known. There are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for positive moods. Most likely, depression and other mood disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Life events may also contribute to a depressed mood.
Affective disorders sometimes run in families and are considered to be inherited. The factors that produce the trait or condition are usually both genetic and environmental, involving a combination of genes from both parents.
Anyone can feel sad or depressed at times. However, mood disorders are more intense and difficult to manage than normal feelings of sadness. Children, adolescents, or adults who have a parent with a mood disorder have a greater chance of also having a mood disorder. Life events and stress can trigger feelings of sadness or depression, making the feelings more difficult. These life events and stress can bring on feelings of sadness or depression or make a mood disorder harder.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bipolars and Money

One of the
symptoms of a manic or hypomania episode in bipolar disorder is excessive money spending, compulsive shopping and impulsive purchases.
 The majority of people have at some stage experienced these activities.  So why this is considered as part of a major mental disorder? Not all reckless spenders are bipolar but for anyone with bipolar disorder it can become a problem with serious consequences.
During bipolar episodes there is often a lack of ability to associate actions with consequence. This might in part be due to the feelings of grandiosity; inflated unrealistic ideas of ability. Also the diminished ability to think and reason contributes but knowing why is not enough when the bills pile up.
There are some for which seems to the compulsion to reach the goal totally dominates the action. The creative capability of hypomania may be the driving force. The reasoning ability is not clear enough to know the compulsion to get what they want at that point in time which dominates all actions is part of the disorder.
For the bipolar individual it is best to accept the potential for inappropriate financial activities exists and to take precautions to limit the potential damage. Access to credit cards is vital. Any cash allowance should be spread over time instead provided all at once.
 Often it is the compulsive need to spend, without regard for the desired or need for the items that the act satisfies. Whatever the case it is known that the inability to handle money by bipolar people the paramount issue is to prevent catastrophe and avoid the consequences that come from the symptom.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dysthymic Disorder

Dysthymia is a chronice depression where a person's moods are regularly low. The  symptoms of Dysthymia are not as severe as major depression.
The cause of dysthymia is unknown. It usually runs in families and is thought to be genetic. Dysth occurs more often in women than in men.
Many people with dysthymia have a history of an extended  medical problem or another mental health disorder, such as anxiety or substance abuse some  people with dysthymia will also have an episode of major depression at some point in their lives.
The main symptom of dysthymia is a low, or sad mood on most days. In children and adolescents, the mood can be irritable instead of depressed.
 Other  symptoms can be present almost all of the time: are feelings of hopelessness; too little or too much sleep ; low energy or fatigue; poor self-esteem  or reduced appetite or overeating trouble with concentration. People with dysthymia will often take a negative or view of themselves, their future, other people, and life events.
Treatment for dysthymia includes antidepressant drug therapy, along with  psychotherapy. Medications often do not work as well for dysthymia as they do for major depression.  
People with dysthymia often benefit from psychotherapy.  Psychotherapy is a good place to talk about feelings and thoughts, and to learn ways to deal with them.  People can learn to be more aware of their symptoms, learn what seems to make depression worse, and learn problem-solving skills.
Dysthymia is a chronic condition that lasts many years. Though some people completely recover, others continue to have some symptoms, even with treatment.
Although it is not as severe as major depression, dysthymia symptoms can affect a person's ability to function in their family, and at work.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Psychotherapy and Bipolar Disorder

Although medication a necessary treatment for Bipolar disorder most people can often benefit from a combination of medication and psychotherapy.  Those with Bipolar disorder have to learn to adjust to their illness and find ways to understand it. Psychotherapy can help them the ability to live bipolar and how to distinguish the world of their illness which sometimes is distorted by their mood swings.
The pattern of each symptom varies from individual and recognizing ones own patters in one’s thoughts, moods and behavior. Recognizing the stressors in daily life and how this affects their moods. In this way they can learn how to cope with the challenge of life’s events and how to address issues that come up.  Psychotherapy can assist in exploring issues that are unique to one’s necessity of the medication as part of their wellbeing.  With psychotherapy they can explore and understand the emotions that they experience by living bipolar. 
There are many types of therapy and what works for one individual may not work for someone else. In choosing the type of therapy there are things\ to take in consideration. Those who participate in psychotherapy must be focused in behavior and on their treatment and are stable with medication before therapy begins.The symptoms of severe depression often bring thoughts of such a compelling and intense nature that it is difficult for the person to think objectively.  These thoughts influence one’s mood and physical well being. In order to identify these thoughts and type of thinking cognitive behavior therapy is used to evaluate and challenge the ideas.
Coping skill focuses on altering the way that one responds to negative events.  Loss is a common negative event.  Coping skills therapy is focused on actions enabling the person to respond with alternate ways of responding to bad events.

The many types of therapy should be explored before choosing the one that is right for the person affected.  While there is not cure for Bipolar disorder.  Therapy offers the chance to better a persons life while being Bipolar and living Bipolar.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Life as a Bipolar Day by Day Healthy Living

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong, recurrent illness, there are many things you can do to help yourself. Treatment you get from your doctor and therapist, there are ways to reduce your symptoms and control the illness. Learning about bipolar disorder and most importantly living a healthy lifestyle.
With good coping skills and a support system, you can live fully and productively and minimize the impact of the episodes.
Living with bipolar disorder requires adjustments, it is important to make healthy choices for you. Making these choices will help you keep your symptoms under control, avoid episodes, and take control of your life.
Managing bipolar disorder starts with proper treatment, including medication and therapy. There is   more you can do to help yourself on a day to day basis. The daily decisions you make influence the course of your illness: whether your symptoms get better or worse; whether you stay well or experience fewer episodes.
 Depression and manic-depression follow cyclical patterns. You may go through some times that are painful and it may be difficult to believe things will get better, the thing to avoid giving up the promise of recovery.
 It’s up to you to help yourself by taking medication as prescribed and keeping appointments with your doctor and if you have chosen a therapist. Learn all you can about your illness. This allows you to make decisions about treatment including the most effective medications.
Be a full and active participant in your treatment. Learn everything you can about bipolar disorder the symptoms, so you can recognize them in yourself, and research all your available treatment options. The more informed you are, the better prepared you’ll be to deal with symptoms and make good choices for yourself.
Using what you learned about bipolar disorder, advocate for yourself, work with your doctor and therapist in the treatment plan. Voice your opinions and questions. The most beneficial relationships between patient and doctor it works as partners in dispelling the symptoms.
 Do not expect an immediate. It can take time to find the right medication and treatment that works for you.  Your treatment plan will change over time; keep in close contact with your doctor. Talk to your doctor if of changes in your condition. If you’re taking medication, follow all instructions and take it faithfully. Don’t skip or change your dose without first talking with your doctor.
Medication may be able to manage some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder; therapy teaches you skills you can use in your life. Therapy can help you learn how to deal with your disorder, cope with problems, regulate your mood, changes, and improve your overall mental health.
In order to stay well, it’s important to be aware of the way you feel. Before the symptoms of mania or depression appear and become out of control, it is often too late to intercept the mood swing, watch closely for any changes in your mood, sleeping patterns, energy level, and thoughts. If you spot the problem early you may be able to prevent a mood swing from turning into a full-blown episode of mania or depression.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II disorder is a mental illness. Bipolar II is similar to other affective disorders with moods cycling between high and low over time.
However, in bipolar II disorder, the high moods never reach full mania. The less intense elevated moods in bipolar II disorder are called hypomanic episodes, or hypomania.
A person with by bipolar II disorder has had at least one hypomanic episode in life. Most people with bipolar II disorder also suffer from episodes of depression.
In between episodes of hypomania and depression, many people with bipolar II disorder live normal lives.
Anyone can develop bipolar II disorder. Most people are in their in their late teens or early 20s when bipolar disorder first starts. Nearly everyone with bipolar II disorder develops it before age 50. People with an immediate family member with bipolar are high risk.
During a hypomanic episode, elevated mood can shows as either euphoria, a high, or as irritability. Jumping suddenly from one idea to the next called racing thoughts.  They speak rapidly, often speaking very loudly. Increased energy, with hyperactivity and a decreased need for sleep
People experiencing hypomanic episodes are often enjoyable to be around. They seem like the life of the party making jokes, taking an intense interest in other people and activities, and influencing others with their positive mood.
 Hypomania can also lead to erratic and unhealthy behavior. People in hypomanic episodes might spend money they do not have; have sex with people they normally would not and be impulsive or risky behavior.
People with bipolar II disorder can experience severe depressive episodes. These can occur soon after hypomania subsides, or much later. Some people cycle back and forth between hypomania and depression, while others have long periods of normal mood in between episodes.
Untreated, an episode of hypomania can last anywhere from a few days to several years. The symptoms usually last for a few weeks to a few months.
Depressive episodes in bipolar II disorder are similar to clinical depression, with depressed mood, loss of pleasure, low energy and activity, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide. Depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder can last weeks, months, or rarely years.
Hypomania often appears as happiness and relentless optimism. When hypomania is not causing unhealthy behavior, it generally goes untreated. It in differs from true mania, which nearly always requires treatment with medication.
People with bipolar II disorder can benefit from mood stabilizers that level out moods over the long term. These prevent the destructive parts of hypomania, and also help to prevent episodes of depression.
People with severe or frequent episodes of mania or depression should take medicines on a continuous basis for prevention.
The causes of bipolar disorder are not fully known. Researchers have different opinions about bipolar II disorder can be prevented entirely.
It is possible to prevent some episodes of hypomania or depression, once bipolar disorder has developed. Regular therapy sessions with a psychologist can stabilize mood, leading to fewer hospitalizations and relieve emotions that the episodes caused by the episodes. Taking medicine on a regular basis also leads to fewer hypomanic or depressive episodes.
People with bipolar I disorder experience true mania. This is a severe, abnormally elevated mood with erratic behavior. Manic symptoms lead to serious disruptions in life, causing legal or major personal problems.
In bipolar II disorder, the symptoms of elevated mood never reach full mania. Bipolar II is a milder form of bipolar disorder.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Life's Triggers and Bipolar Disorder

Life’s Triggers and Bipolar Disorder 
A trigger is something external which can cause a bipolar episode. Everyone has different triggers. Sometimes excess stress or frustration at work can cause an episode a major disappointment can also contribute. If you have Bipolar Disorder you should try to determine what their personal triggers are, and keep a journal and try to help control your reaction to whatever might set off your episodes. Once you identify some triggers, you can work on handling those triggers more effectively so they will are less likely to disrupt the stability of the disorder. Even if you are on medication now and it is keeping you stable, you should still identify bipolar episode triggers and watch for indications of new bipolar episodes because sometimes even medication that has worked for years may stop working properly. A list of triggers should be a list of those things from past episodes that you have noticed are a signal when things are becoming more serious for you. One of the best ways you can prevent future episodes, besides, staying on medication and following the doctor's treatment plan, is to avoid triggers. Everyone is different, everyone has different triggers. However, there are some that are most common and which you can begin avoiding now that will help you to maintain long-term stability of your Bipolar Disorder.. Sleeping too little or too much are not only signs of an episode, they can also trigger them. You should get 8-9 hours of sleep a night. It may be difficult in the beginning, but adjusting your schedule in order to avoid a major episode gives you the incentive to control it. When our bodies don't get the nutrients they need, we can cause physiological problems. Work on eating a balanced diet. Avoid caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. . Stress in our lives is good, because it drives us to work hard and to better ourselves. Most people have too much stress in life. Stress is the number one triggers to bipolar episodes; you need to take the initiative to reduce the stress in your life. Your therapist can help you identify areas of stress and can give you suggestions for stress reduction. Regular exercise can also help you deal with stress. Many people with Bipolar Disorder try to shut themselves away from everyone. Feelings of loneliness and despair can trigger episodes; try to fight the desire to become a hermit. Yon can attend Support Groups, or spend time regularly with your friends and family. Keeping a Journal may help you to get your thoughts and feelings out, if you feel you can not share these with anyone. The power to take charge of your Bipolar Disorder and your life is in your hands and once you learn to help yourself by controlling the episodes that can cause havoc in your life. When you take control of the emotional upheavals you can also take control of your disorder and continue on the road to recovery.